Garry L. Menendez ASLA - Portfolio

FOUNTAIN CITY LAKE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE GARRY L. MENENDEZASLA AUGUST 2, 2015 amphitheater / boardwalk elevation stone seating sample fishing pier Victor Stanley bench sample educational signage sample floating island sample wildflower garden and wildlife feeding zone center jets restored to original spray pattern replacewood timbers with stack stone edge proposed memorial plaza proposed brick crosswalk proposed amphitheater seating floating islands constructedwetland shelf proposed boardwalk with small stage and “bathyscopes” new trees, paving, and seating proposed path through nativewildflower / perennialgarden constructedwetland shelf proposeadding bridge for improved circulation kiosks and signage tobeplaced in strategic locations withQR codesdirectinguser to additional information. floating islandsmaybepartially constructedof recycledplastic bottles.Thesemaybe anchored andoccassionally relocated. visitorswillbeguided to this area andencouraged to feed wildlifeonly in this location tomaintain lakewaterquality. access inandout ofpark limited to threepointsonwest side throughbench placement and plantings. “Welcome toWildlifeFeeding Zone”educational kiosk wetland shelvesmay be connected to increasehabitat size handicappriorityparkingalongwestboundary. CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN FOR FOUNTAIN CITY LAKE This design ismeant to be conceptual in naturewith the purpose of sharing a larger, long range vision for this community cornerstone.The ideas presented here are notmeant to be interpreted literally as this signifies only the beginning of a process.Community involvement and supportwill be the driving force tomove this project from the conceptual stage to reality.Project shouldbe approached in a phase-likemanorwith separate features being funded through individual gifts and grants over a